Свершилось! OpenCart

После многих лет работы.

New event based extension system

Startup page

CRON job page


Product variants. You can now choose to use create a new product variant based off a master product and link the stock quantities.

Cookie accept policy.

Admin notification system. OpenCart can now send you updates and news information directly to your OpenCart admin.

Autoloader class

Telephone field now optional

Additional admin security, renaming admin folder, install directory, moving storage folder.


Boootstrap 5

jQuery v3.6.0

Font Awsome 6

CKEditor 5

Renamed order_recurring to subscription system.

Sliding buttons instead of checkboxes

All forms are now using AJAX.

New installer

Upgrade system can be done fully via the admin.

Reports system.

Admin alerts.

Backup system now backs up the database in parts to avoid crashing with large tables.

Order editor has been completely reworked so API session is not required.


